Seigle Photos: Spring Break in Yosemite National Park and San Francisco

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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This is a trick photo of Eric pouring Yosemite Falls out of a bottle. The photo is retouched only at the very mouth of the bottle to hide part of the blue cap.
IMG_3998 falls from bottle touchup.jpg

(6.15 MB)

The Lower Falls. It was a nice day and lots of people were scrambling over the rocks to get closer to the base of the falls.
IMG_4000 Yosemite Falls, Lower Falls.JPG

(3.3 MB)

Nora at the Lower Falls
IMG_4004 Nora at Lower Falls.JPG

(4.25 MB)

Family at Mirror Lake
IMG_4030 family at Mirror Lake.JPG

(4.45 MB)

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