Seigle Photos: Spring Break in Yosemite National Park and San Francisco

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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Eric sits with two fingers in a device that is reading his emotional responses. I made him start singing out loud; the embarrassment caused a spike.
IMG_4378 Emotion tracer.JPG

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In this exhibit, the subject places his hand under a brass model of a hand. The other person touches both the real hand and the brass hand in the same place. The subject's brain starts to respond as though the brass hand is his real hand. This came out of a scientific study on how the brain manages body part ownership.

It's a little creepy.
IMG_4380 The Phantom Hand.JPG

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Nora and Eric near the front of the museum. On the floor is a distorted photo of a kitten. You can see that the photo looks perfectly proportioned when reflected in the cylindrical mirror. This type of image is called an anamorphic projection.
IMG_4386 anamorphic cat.JPG

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The National Park Service operates a maritime museum that includes some old ships, three of which are open to board. This is the mast of one, the Balclutha.
IMG_4388 mast.JPG

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