Seigle Photos: Spring Break in Yosemite National Park and San Francisco

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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Some sort of moss was common on the trees. Rather than the familiar velvety moss, this was a shaggy growth.
IMG_4036 shaggy moss.JPG

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As we were leaving the park that day we saw a herd of deer crossing the road. They had little fear of people, letting people get close enough for photos but not close enough to touch. Fortunately we didn't see anyone trying to feed them.
IMG_4059 herd of deer.JPG

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Starting our hike up to the Mariposa Grove of sequioa trees. The road was closed to traffic for the winter; presumably they don't want to expend the resources to keep it clear. Our hotel recommended using snowshoes. The snow was not deep and loose enough to sink into, so they weren't strictly necessary, but they were helpful because they had claws on the bottom to keep us from slipping on the packed, slippery snow. We only saw one other couple using them. Everyone else was managing with boots or shoes.
IMG_4061 snowshoeing.JPG

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IMG_4066 Nora on snowshoe hike.JPG

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