Seigle Photos: (No title found)

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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IMG_6854 studious.jpg

(6.41 MB)

Libby's Bakery Cafe in Ticonderoga. Delightful!
IMG_6871 Libby's.jpg

(3.34 MB)

IMG_6876 kids on boat.jpg

(5.86 MB)

Eric, Nora, Zac, and Tarek swim with the ducks while we anchor in a little cove
IMG_6879 swimming with ducks.JPG

(2.15 MB)

IMG_6884 ducks.jpg

(1.88 MB)

Roger's Rock. We saw some climbers. Climbers are in the annotated rectangles
(Move cursor over photo to see annotation)
IMG_6887 climbers distant.jpg

(5.32 MB)

IMG_6889 higher climbers.jpg

(3.87 MB)

IMG_6890 lower climber 2.jpg

(4.02 MB)

IMG_6895 house for sale.jpg

(10.66 MB)

IMG_6936 Eric on tube.jpg

(2.56 MB)

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