907 Lincoln
The Alpha of Michigan
These photos are from a project I did for History of Art 212, Appreciation of Architecture, Spring semester 1979. The project was to highlight the design features of a building. Regrettably, because the project was to focus on the building, most of the photos do not have people in them. In hindsight showing people living in the building would have enhanced the analysis.
I want to thank Brother Scott Kelly for taking the trouble to send me the project by mail in May 2018, only 39 years after I did it. Neither Scott nor I have any idea how he ended up with the package, and it's nothing short of a miracle that Scott still had it after all these years. He was kind enough to recognize that it might still have some value to me and contacted me on Facebook to find out where he could mail it.
I was a senior that semester. I would then live in Sigma Phi place one more summer before moving out to seek my place in the outside world.

Click on the page link to go to the page containing that photo for that set of captions
The house was designed by David Osler, an Ann Arbor architect, to be.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-007.jpg)
2. Around to the right side of the house. One can see sliding glass door-windows.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-008.jpg)
3. Farther around the same side, the living room porch (top) and glass doors to.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-009.jpg)
4. Around the back and to the other side. The closer door is the entry to the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-010.jpg)
5. Closer shot of entry area, slightly nested in from façade. (Sigma Phi Place 1979-011.jpg)
6. From entry hall, the main hallway. Interior of brick (just as outside) to.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-012.jpg)
7. Farther down the hall the in-out flow is again stressed with the huge glass.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-013.jpg)
8. A view through the gallery windows from the other end of the hall. The.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-014.jpg)
9. The living room. This is a large space, used for parties, meetings, casual.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-015.jpg)
10. Another view of the living room. Note the porch that we saw in #3.In the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-016.jpg)
11. A view from the living room into a courtyard. This is 180 degrees around.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-017.jpg)
12. Library, from the same hallway. To the left is the door onto the porch seen.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-018.jpg)
13. The dining room was designed around the table, which was brought from the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-023.jpg)
14. Kitchen. Butcher block counter for passing food to servers or for buffets..... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-024.jpg)
15. Another view of the kitchen. Note the shelves for pots and pans open on both.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-025.jpg)
16. Dishwashing area. This is what's on the other side of those shelves seen in.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-026.jpg)
17. Going downstairs, this is another living room area. Lights are equipped with.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-027.jpg)
18. Leaving the living room via a hallway, which is directly beneath the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-028.jpg)
19. Around the corner and parallel to that hall is the lower hall of sleeping.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-029.jpg)
20. The same room. (Sigma Phi Place 1979-030.jpg)
25. View into the bedroom of the room shown in #24. (Sigma Phi Place 1979-031.jpg)
24. A typical Senior Wing room. The four rooms on this hall are all two-room.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-032.jpg)
22. A typical upstairs room in the Junior Wing, the upstairs part of the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-033.jpg)
23. Moving back out into and across the entry hall we see the entrance to the.... (Sigma Phi Place 1979-034.jpg)